Pakistan carried out miliary strikes in Iran

Pakistan carried out miliary strikes in Iran

Pakistan responded with a series of military strikes against separatist hideouts in Iran.

The new attacks mean both Pakistan and Iran have become more extreme this week, attacking militants on each other's borders as the conflict widens across the Middle East and wider region.

Islamabad said on Thursday its forces carried out a "series of highly coordinated and targeted military strikes" in the southeastern Iranian provinces of Sistan and Baluchestan in an operation dubbed "Marg Bar Sarmachar" - a phrase that translates to "Death to Man". . partisans."

Pakistan's foreign ministry added that "several" militants were killed in the operation.

Tehran has demanded an "immediate explanation" from Pakistan over the attacks, Iranian state news agency Tasnim reported, citing the official.

Alireza Marhamati, deputy governor of Sistan and Baluchistan province, said in an interview with state television that the explosions killed at least seven people, including three women and four children who were foreigners.

“At 4:30 in the morning, explosions were heard in the border village, and several rockets were fired at the village,” Marhamati said.

The deputy governor said another explosion occurred near the city of Saravan, but there were no casualties.

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