India’s solar mission Aditya-L1 reaches orbit


India’s solar mission Aditya-L1 reaches orbit

On Saturday, Aditya-L1 reached a point in space where it can continuously observe the Sun.

L1 will stop on September 2, 2023 and will be 1.5 million kilometers (932,000 miles) from Earth. 

A final maneuver to bring Aditya into L1 orbit was conducted on Saturday at 16:00 Indian time (10:30 GMT), The Times of India reported.


According to scientists this mission will help them to get the live information of the climates and solar flares in the gravitational zone of the sun.

Indian press reports have estimated the cost at 3.78 billion rupees ($46 million; £36 million).

This success has included India in the race of countries studying Sun.

Picture source is Time of India

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