global military ranking 2024 where pakistan stand?

global military ranking 2024 where pakistan stand?

Pakistan Army Achieves Top 10 Global Military Ranking

The Pakistan Army has surpassed numerous developed nations to secure a position among the world's top 10 military forces, as revealed by the Global Firepower Index 2024. This comprehensive index, assessing 145 countries on factors such as military equipment, financial stability, active soldiers, geographic location, and available resources, places Pakistan in the ninth position.

In this ranking, which considers a perfect score as 0, Pakistan achieved an index of 0.1711. While this reflects a slight decrease compared to 2023, particularly due to Turkiye's upward movement, Pakistan's military strength is still noteworthy. The country holds the seventh position in terms of manpower and active personnel and maintains a position within the top 10 in terms of airpower.

Furthermore, Pakistan excels in specific military capabilities, securing a place in the top 10 for tanks, artillery, and rockets. However, its naval power, natural resources, and reserves scored below par in the index.

Despite facing economic challenges in recent times, with Islamabad grappling with a significant economic crisis, Pakistan's military prowess remains formidable. In financial categories, the country ranks 23rd in Purchasing Power Parity, 62nd in forex reserves, 47th in Defense budget, and 70th in External debt.

Top Armies in the World:

1.   United States

2.   Russia

3.   China

4.   India

5.   South Korea

6.   United Kingdom

7.   Japan

8.   Turkiye

9.   Pakistan

10.                Italy

Least Powerful Militaries in the World:

1.   Bhutan

2.   Moldova

3.   Suriname

4.   Somalia

5.   Benin

6.   Liberia

7.   Belize

8.   Sierra Leone

9.   Central African Republic

10.                Iceland


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